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Friday, April 26, 2024


All latest news and updates about the business, world affairs, politics, economy, entertainment and environment which is impacting the Karachi and people of Karachi directly and indirectly.

This is the first of its kind news portal based in Karachi which is started in 2015 and publish the interested sports news, halaat updates and Karachi situation and opinions of Karachiites.

Highlight the positive image of Karachi and its people where a diversity is the beauty of this city where many immigrants from all over Pakistan and the world resides and live happily and feel safe and secure and serve in the various sectors and contribute in the growth of this city.

From the big business man to a labor, from a politician to student, from Govt servant to a private corporate executive has a major role in the development of Karachi.

Our responsibility is to keep them updated and spread the positive energy among the people of Karachi.

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Army called to help civil administration for managing the urban flooding...

A choice has been made to give help with ease exercises in Karachi following Prime Minister Imran Khan's commands a day sooner to send...

The sale of sacrificial animals in cities are strictly banned across...

Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Health Dr Zafar Mirza has said that the sale of sacrificial animals and foundation of cows markets in...

Resignation of Tania Airdus and Dr Zafar as (SAPM) accepted by...

Prime minister Imran Khan has accepted the resignations of Dr Zafar Mirza as State Health Minister and Tania Aidrus as special assistant on Digital...

SHC directed the petitioner to make Solid Waste Management a party...

A two-member bench involving Justice Khadim Hussain M Sheik and Justice Arshad Hussain Khan held a conference on the matter of bundles of dirt...

The PM Imran said that the construction and development project of...

The Prime Minister said that the development and advancement project of Gwadar is a 'game changer' for Balochistan as well as for the whole...

The Sindh High Court hinted at suspending the license of K...

The Sindh Court, hearing the appeal, Justice Khadim Hussain commented that the individuals of Karachi are in terrible crisis because of the power blackout...

We will continue to fight for justice for Kashmiris as they...

Prime minister Imran Khan on the event of Youm-I-Ilhaq-e-Pakistan has reaffirmed Pakistan's promise to the Kashmiri individuals and guaranteed them that "equity will win" in...

Prime Minister Imran Khan chairs a meeting on promotion of Knowledge...

Prime minister Imran Khan said Monday that advancement of modern education was a need of the legislature and coordinated for the definition of a...

PM Imran Khan directed to ensure that the benefit of subsidies...

Focusing on the requirement for changes in 'subsidy system', Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday coordinated to guarantee that the advantage of subsidies arrived...

PM Imran Khan on begin the construction work of the mega...

Diamer-Basha Dam is the Mega project on which PM Imran Khan on begin the construction work of the mega hydroelectricity project. Prime...