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The cable operators association had shut down cable TV and internet...

The cable operators association had shut down cable TV and internet services in a symbolic strike. The cable operator corporation had closed...

Asad Umar warned K-Electric of action if it fails to keep...

Asad Umar warned K-Electric of action if it fails to keep its promise, Government Minister for Planning and Development Asad Umar on...

Rs 30bn subsidy on each house to be constructed under the...

PM Imran Khan on Friday declared Rs30 billion in subsidy for the Naya Pakistan housing plan in accordance with helping the middle class manufacture...

PM Imran praised the efforts of the NCOC team in putting...

The PM communicated perspectives during his visit to the National Command and Operation Center 'NCOC' on the event of accomplishment of 100 days of...

PPP announced its unconditional support to the government for action against...

In the severe heat the administration and the opposition went ahead a similar page in the National Assembly on unannounced and reported load shedding,...

‘CPEC’ project will prove to be a milestone in the country’s...

A year ago in November, Pakistan and China consented to incorporate 700 megawatts Azad Pattan hydropower project under the CPEC. Which is to be...

PTI MNA Alamgir Khan, put up a cut out of CM...

Member National Assembly and originator of a social welfare association by the name of 'FixIt', Alamgir Khan call on a different kind of protest...

Allies are an important part of the government, and their concerns...

The Prime Minister said that the Associates have uniformly been discussed in significant choices, the Associates are a significant part of the legislature, and...

The opposition leaders unitedly declined the budget and take all measures...

OPPOSITION REJECTS BUDGET PLAN: The restriction heads have unitedly refused and dismissed the budget plan and will take all estimates feasible to...

PM Imran said he is proud of his team for helping...

Prime minister Imran Khan has praised his group for being among the first around the world to impose a smart lockdowns to control the...