Our country Pakistan has some amazing talents and calligraphy is one of them too.

We have some of the most amazing and well known calligraphers such as Sadequain, who is known as the father of calligraphy. He gave a new life in the world of calligraphy.

The writing of calligraphy is a spiritual importance in art. The roots of calligraphy is connected with Islam, and is believed that the recognition of this art was given by Hazrat Ali (a.s) in the early times which is the oldest script of calligraphy that is hung in kufa, that writing style is known as kufic.

“The beauty of writing is the tongue of the hand and the elegance of thought.”

-Ali Ibn e Ibi Talib

This word is a combination of two greek words ‘kalli’ (beautiful) and ‘graphy’ (to write).

The calligraphists have used this writing mainly for the verses of Quran in many different ways. This art is now the noblest of  all arts which is used in many different mosques and places. Inside and outside of the ceilings, domes of mosques and buildings.

Abdul Majeed, Abdul Rehman, Ustad Allah Bakhsh and many others have created miracles in calligraphy. Syed Sadequain Ahmed Naqvi, Tamgha-e-Imtiaz, Pride of Performance, Sitara-e-Imtiaz, also often referred to as Sadequain Naqqash, was a world-renowned Pakistani artist, best known for his skills as a calligrapher and a painter.

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