TikTok stars said, banning TikTok seems unneeded and unfair decision by government.

At the point when Chinese application TikTok was restricted in Pakistan on Friday, the Pakistani TikTok people was gotten unprepared. To many, the TikTok was their identity and their source of income, a fundamental part of what their identity is and what they do.

As the truth of the boycott set in, huge numbers of the greatest stars discharged their anger at the move, naming it so far another hit to creative opportunity in Pakistan.

Calling out the authorities for their unjust treatment of the artist community, Zulqurnain Sikander, who has a fan following of more than 8 million on Tiktok, criticized the boycott and encouraged the legislature to ease the ban since it was a source of income for some struggling artists who had moved to the stage because of absence of chances in the business.

There are many other social media applications where improper and vulgar content is shared in Pakistan. For what reason is the legislature not making any strict move against those stages? Sikander asked, addressing why the activities of “10 out of 100 individuals” got TikTok restricted in Pakistan.

Banning an engaging stage like Tiktok is never the answer for reduce the sharing of vulgar content. The individuals who share such content will discover different ways of doing as such, another TikToker, Daniyal Sohail, who has almost 200K fan following on the application said.

The legislature might have basically banned such vulgar content with appropriate observing on the application. He said, this decision appears to be unneeded and uncalled for.

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