Water pollution is taking a heavy toll on human health & economy.

Leading a gathering on measures to control discarding of wastewater into the nation’s river’s, Prime Minister Imran Khan said water pollution has been negatively affecting human wellbeing just as the economy.

PM Khan guided his advisor on environment to work out a complete strategy in discussion with the provincial governments to check the pollution. He directed that a guide be formulated dependent on timetables within 15 days’ time.

Throughout the gathering, the PM was informed on the World Bank’s report which expressed that 40 percent of the all the deaths are being brought about by water-deliver illnesses with the pollution likewise influencing marine life.

The chief was advised on the measures the administration has so far taken to handle the issue. He was directed that an all off 36 projects are in the pipeline to contain environmental pollution.

The Asian Development Bank, the World Bank and other worldwide establishments have been stretching out money related help to attempt the undertakings projects for containing the pollution.

The PM said the water pollution is a significant issue which has untimely affected public wellbeing and the economy.

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