FM Qureshi said this during a gathering with the initiative of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at Capitol Hill on Thursday.

As indicated by an announcement gave by the ministry, Republican Senator Jim Risch and Democratic Senator Bob Menendez, Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, invited the foreign minister to the Capitol.

The two sides shared their points of view on the U.S.- Pakistan two-sided relationship, the circumstance in South Asia, the Afghan harmony procedure, and late advancements in the Middle East.

FM informed the US senators on India’s ruthless lock down in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, and its suggestions for provincial security.

The Committee individuals valued Pakistan’s job in the Afghan harmony process and mentioned Pakistan’s proceeded with help. The foreign minister said that Pakistan was focused on the political compromise process in Afghanistan.

He noticed that the historical backdrop of Pakistan-U.S. relations bore declaration to the benefit of cooperating. The foreign minister reaffirmed Pakistan’s purpose to keep on assuming a valuable job and to work with the United States to acquire harmony in the region.

Alluding to Pakistan’s role in defusing strains in the Middle East, he stated, “Pakistan is for harmony and we would do whatever we can to advance and encourage harmony.”

The leadership of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee concurred with the Foreign Minister on the requirement for proceeded with collaboration between the two nations for accomplishing their targets on the reciprocal and regional fronts.

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