‘’The Most Powerful IPhone 11 ‘’


You’re living under rock if you haven’t heard of iPhone 11. IPhone 11 is of course the follow up to the iPhone R10. Which was so called budged model for last year releases. After previous phone fell behind the iPhone 11 represent a big leap forward photography.

Let’s discus the feature provided by this amazing phone.

 The iPhone 11 has two cameras stacked atop each other, and the iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max sport three cameras, arranged in a triangle. But it did not stop people from roasting it.

People around the world criticizes iPhone 11 for its looks.

Well apart from the looks iPhone 11 gives you wide range of features.  Given below

  • IPhone 11 gives you 1 hour of extra battery life when it compared to r 10 which is significant because last year 10 r was already the best iPhone from a battery life perspective.
  • A13 Bionic CPU.
  •  U1 Ultra wideband chip
  • Faster facial ID
  • Enhanced water resistance
  • Wide angle camera
  • 4K 60 Cinematic video stabilization

 IPhone 11 is a mega hit but there are some conditions that reduce the chances of success.

  • Lack of refresh rate
  • The face recognition is same as R10
  • Outdated design
  • Wireless charging is slower than the new Galaxy devices

 Apple put a lot of effort into its triple-lens rear camera but people I really found these responses hilarious.

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