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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Video News

All latest news and updates about the business, world affairs, politics, economy, entertainment and environment which is impacting the Karachi and people of Karachi directly and indirectly.

This is the first of its kind news portal based in Karachi which is started in 2015 and publish the interested sports news, halaat updates and Karachi situation and opinions of Karachiites.

Highlight the positive image of Karachi and its people where a diversity is the beauty of this city where many immigrants from all over Pakistan and the world resides and live happily and feel safe and secure and serve in the various sectors and contribute in the growth of this city.

From the big business man to a labor, from a politician to student, from Govt servant to a private corporate executive has a major role in the development of Karachi.

Our responsibility is to keep them updated and spread the positive energy among the people of Karachi.

For all latest news and updates about Karachi and all over world visit


Imran Khan Performs Umrah In Grand Mosque of Makkah with His...

Prime Minister Imran Khan, along with his wife Bushra Bibi, performs Umrah in the Grand Mosque of Makkah Mukarma. He performs Umrah...

Prime Minister Imran Khan visits Saudi Arabia with First Lady Bushra

The Prime Minister Imran Khan pays a visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the first Lady Bushra Bibi on Saturday....

Tecno Spark 7 launch on April 9/ camera features and color...

Tecno Mobile is a Chinese cell phone maker situated in Shenzhen, China. This well-known brand in the budget section phone is attempting...

Vivo X60 Pro Smartphone Officially Launch in Pakistan

The leading global smartphone brand Vivo has officially launched the X60 Pro, the exclusive high-end flagship smartphone which quality professional photo ability,...

Financial crisis, Karachi Development Authority facing today.

The Karachi Development Authority has confronted a Financial crisis for the last two years. It has arrived at a constituent where...

UAE approved a new remote work and tourist visa for all...

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) bureau has confirmed a new remote work visa that authorizes representatives to work and live in the...

Pakistan Day Celebration Postponed due to Covid and Weather Conditions.

The celebrations of Pakistan Day, 23rd 2021, are held over the nation, for the most part, virtual by diverse public and private...

Hyundai to launch Elantra on 21st March in Pakistan

Hyundai Motors has announced the launch date:  Elantra is one of the most furiously likely car yet to be...

Mahira khan: first project as a producer, Baarwan Khiladi,

Baarwan Khiladi is a sports series: Mahira Khan of the first project as a producer, named Baarwan Khiladi,...