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Tuesday, April 23, 2024


All latest news and updates about the business, world affairs, politics, economy, entertainment and environment which is impacting the Karachi and people of Karachi directly and indirectly.

This is the first of its kind news portal based in Karachi which is started in 2015 and publish the interested sports news, halaat updates and Karachi situation and opinions of Karachiites.

Highlight the positive image of Karachi and its people where a diversity is the beauty of this city where many immigrants from all over Pakistan and the world resides and live happily and feel safe and secure and serve in the various sectors and contribute in the growth of this city.

From the big business man to a labor, from a politician to student, from Govt servant to a private corporate executive has a major role in the development of Karachi.

Our responsibility is to keep them updated and spread the positive energy among the people of Karachi.

For all latest news and updates about Karachi and all over world visit


Murtaza Wahab: Covid-19 Situation in Karachi becoming alarming

Sindh : Murtaza Wahab warned the Covid-19 situation in Karachi: Addressing at a press conference in Karachi, Murtaza Wahab...

Eid-ul -Azha: NCOC issues COVID protection guidelines

The NCOC has issued guidelines for the protection of COVID-19 The NCOC released the guidelines for the protection of...

Pakistan gets 2.5m Moderna doses from the US: COVID-19

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan gets up to 2.5 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine On Friday, Pakistan gets up to 2.5...

Covid-19 Positivity Rate is under 2% for the Second Time in...

Islamabad - Covid-19 positivity rate is below 2% in Pakistan: For the 2nd time, the Covid-19 positivity rate of...

CanSino Dose & Hospitals Have Put the Lives of Pakistanis at...

Covid-19: Many Local Hospitals are injecting Saline Water instead of CanSino: CanSino, Sinopharm, and other vaccines are inoculated to...

Sinovac Arrives In Pakistan: Govt Imports 1.55 Million Doses from China

PIA Carries 1.55 Million doses of Sinovac Vaccine to Pakistan: “China sends Sinovac vaccine to Pakistan on Sunday through...

Coronavirus Updates: Govt is working for Regular Supply of Vaccination

Coronavirus Updates: Finance Minister Ensures the Covid-19 Vaccines Availability: The Latest coronavirus updates show the shortage of vaccines in...

How To Get Covid-19 Vaccination Certificates – A Comprehensive Guide

Now you can get your Covid-19 Vaccination Certificates with ease: How To Get Covid-19 Vaccination Certificates: NADRA has now...

Imran Khan Introduces 5-Day Anti-Polio Campaign Across Pakistan

Islamabad: PM Imran Khan Introduces Polio Vaccination to Children On Monday, PM Imran Khan introduces a five-day...

Sindh Government Decides To Lessen The Coronavirus Limitations

Sindh Government Has Declared Relaxation Regarding Covid-19 restrictions: From 7th June 2021, Sindh Government decides to reduce the restrictions...