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Wednesday, April 24, 2024


All latest news and updates about the business, world affairs, politics, economy, entertainment and environment which is impacting the Karachi and people of Karachi directly and indirectly.

This is the first of its kind news portal based in Karachi which is started in 2015 and publish the interested sports news, halaat updates and Karachi situation and opinions of Karachiites.

Highlight the positive image of Karachi and its people where a diversity is the beauty of this city where many immigrants from all over Pakistan and the world resides and live happily and feel safe and secure and serve in the various sectors and contribute in the growth of this city.

From the big business man to a labor, from a politician to student, from Govt servant to a private corporate executive has a major role in the development of Karachi.

Our responsibility is to keep them updated and spread the positive energy among the people of Karachi.

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Omicron variant: Pakistan detects the first ‘suspected’ case in Karachi.

Pakistan has reported its first suspected case of the new Omicron coronavirus to a woman in Karachi. Furthermore, Sindh Health Minister Azra...

New Omicron variant: Sindh announces new Covid restrictions.

On Tuesday, the Sindh government notified new Omicron variant restrictions, based on the city's ongoing vaccination, will take effect from December 1...

Omicron: Covid Variant is going to come, we must prepare.

Omicron outbreak: The NCOC on Monday decided to increase the level of surveillance in high-risk areas of the country amid...

Sindh Police Launch a Vaccination Certificate Checking Drive

Sindh Police department has launched Covid Vaccination certificate KARACHI: The Sindh police department has launched a Covid vaccination certificate...

NCOC orders: Sindh Govt to Arrest Unvaccinated Citizens

KARACHI - The Sindh government has decided to arrest unvaccinated people in the province after new directives were issued by the (NCOC) National...

Sindh Decides to Administrator Free Pfizer Booster Shots.

On Thursday, the Sindh health department decided to provide a Covid-19 booster shot of the Pfizer vaccine to all health workers in...

Asad Umar: Vaccination for citizens over 17 years begins on 1...

Federal Minister for Planning, and head of the NCOC Asad Umar, with Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) Health Dr. Faisal Sultan,...

Dr. Faisal Sultan: Upcoming two Weeks is Important to Prevent The...

Dr. Faisal Sultan said the spread of the coronavirus Delta variant had reached alarming levels in Karachi, as public and private hospitals...

Sindh Govt asked to develop Covid vaccination centers at UC-Level.

The suggestion to Establish Covid Vaccination Centres The Sindh government has proposed establishing COVID-19 vaccination centers at the union...

Sindh government moves to block SIMs of unvaccinated citizens

The government would issue a warning message to unvaccinated people: The Sindh government has decided to write to the...