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Friday, April 26, 2024


All latest news and updates about the business, world affairs, politics, economy, entertainment and environment which is impacting the Karachi and people of Karachi directly and indirectly.

This is the first of its kind news portal based in Karachi which is started in 2015 and publish the interested sports news, halaat updates and Karachi situation and opinions of Karachiites.

Highlight the positive image of Karachi and its people where a diversity is the beauty of this city where many immigrants from all over Pakistan and the world resides and live happily and feel safe and secure and serve in the various sectors and contribute in the growth of this city.

From the big business man to a labor, from a politician to student, from Govt servant to a private corporate executive has a major role in the development of Karachi.

Our responsibility is to keep them updated and spread the positive energy among the people of Karachi.

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Bikhray Moti, a story of one girl who sacrifices her whole...

Bikhray Moti, a story of one girl who sacrifices her whole life for three children.
Aiza alongside Shehzaadi went to the house where she works with the goal that she can disclose to them that Shehzaadi will never again...

Tum Ho Wajah, a story filled up with one single mistake...

Tum Ho Wajah, a story filled up with one single mistake ruined everything.
Babar enters into the house with his wife, he told everybody regarding the nikkah everybody is shocked and upset as it is his dad's...

Pyar Ke Sadqay, a crazy love story of two crazy people.

Sarwar is advising Shanzay to watch out for Abdullah's locations. Abdullah brings fruits and other stuff for Mahjabeen and there Washma attempts to put...

Sabaat, a story about an arrogant girl who ruins everyone’s life.

Miraal's wedding arrangements are going and Miraal's dad is so excited however her mom is sitting quietly at a corner, when her husband asks...

Bandhay Ek Dour Se, a story of friendship love and selfish...

Maheen's greedy in laws have ordered a car in the dowry and have delayed the Nikkah. Everybody in the house...

Muhabbat Tujhae Alvida, a story filled up with selfish desires.

Ulfat visits Shafaq's home who made her hold up at the front door of her house, but when she is going to go the...

Raaz-e-Ulfat, a girl bound with her father’s restriction.

Raaz-e-Ulfat has taken a shocking turn from a circumstance that appeared as though Mushk and Irtiza were going to confront bad luck in convincing...

Meher Posh, a massive love story.

Mehru has begun developing some feelings for Shah Jahan. She is happily going to Shifali's wedding yet then Shifali's mom begins disrespecting Mehru as...

Pyaar Ke Sadqay, a crazy love story of two people.

Washma when shares this updates on Mahjabeen's pregnancy to Abdullah, it takes him to a different universe of Fantasy where he begins looking at...

Sabaat, a story filled up with money, power and love.

Hassan is battling hard to meet his financial expenses with his limited amount of cash. Anaya finds a new job,...